Meet Aya, the magical soul behind Cura Sana

Marisol Lema

When Aya left Israel, her homeland, at 24 years old, she never imagined that 20 years later she was going to be creating medicine and cosmetic products out of plants from the jungle in Costa Rica. 

She had left looking for peace, and that search took her to India, Japan, Canada, and finally the country of Pura Vida, one of the few without an army, where she found her home. She fell in love with nature, the never-ending summer, the ocean, the tropical fruits, and the way people live there. “It taught me how to be calmed, which is something I really wanted to find”, she describes.

Costa Rica changed her life forever. A year after she arrived, what she calls an “activation” happened. She started making products out of plants without knowing why or how: the information would just come to her. At first, she thought she was just getting excited about it, but then the voice in her head made it very clear: “You are channeling”. 

“The information just comes to me, the plant shows up and activates me. I get ideas, I get guidance about how to use it and what to combine. I'm just a vessel, it almost feels like the plants are gathering themselves. I call it the conspiracy between the Great Mystery and the plants. They know what's happening, I'm the last one to know”, she explains. 

A few months after her first activation she was still wondering why this was happening, until she finally remembered: a year earlier she had had a reading with an elder from the Mexica, an indigenous tribe from Mexico, who told her: "All I see is plants, you have an amazing connection with plants, you should be working with plants". That is when she realized that this was a soul purpose, something that had been “written in the stars for a long time”. 

This helped her deal with self-doubt, which she struggled with, especially because she hadn’t had formal education about natural medicine. “I just plugged into my soul purpose. And from there I stopped doubting and questioning myself”, she says. 

Luckily, she has access to a lot of teachers, people who are masters with plants. “Everything that is channeled, I take to them. I explain my process and ask for their opinion. And they kind of tweak it around and give me the confidence to then give it to people”, she states.

Aya works with wild plants that she picks up from the jungle together with her tico husband, and organic ingredients, primarily from Costa Rica. She has run her business, Cura Sana, for the last 11 years. When asked to choose her favorite product, she complains and says it’s like having to choose one of her kids.

But finally, she admits: “I have a lot of devotion to the two first things that I've made, and those are still the best remedies: the Miracle Skin Salve and the Super Healer. Those were the first products I've made and those are by far the strongest in my line”. At Ralia Retreats, we are honored of including some of her lotions as part of our welcome bag for our guests. 

“I enjoy seeing what it has become. If the table is full of products that I need to send out, I look at it all and I'm like... this is amazing! I love the fact that I have an infinite amount of these products for me, for my children, I love sharing with people, I love that I can gift someone, I enjoy the abundance that I have through this”, she says about her business. 

She is also engaged in reaching as many people as she can with her products: “Cura Sana needs to reach far and wide. I realized at some point that if every home in the world had the Super Healer, people would stop using pharmaceuticals so much. They would stop using all these toxic industrial products for skin care. So many lives could change. The more the people are exposed to Cura Sana, the better this world will become”.


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